The software industry is composed of companies that develop, maintain, and publish electronic application systems, or software, that use different business models, primarily. The industry also includes software services, such as training, documentation, and consulting.
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Programming Languages and Software
Engineering (PLSE) Research at IBM has a vibrant global community and a long
history that goes back to 1969.
The dominance that IBM had on the market for computers during the 1960s led to antitrust investigations by the Department of Justice United States, which filed a complaint about the US case against IBM in the US District Court Southern District of New York The January 17, 1969.
The lawsuit alleged that IBM had violated the Sherman Act Section (antitrust) in trying to monopolize the digital electronic market system of computers, and particularly computers designed for enterprise businesses.
Many people believe that a key event in the growth of the market for software products business was IBM's decision in 1969 to set the price of its software and services separately from the hardware.
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