sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015

August 15: The Beatles were presented at Shea Stadium in New York, to a youthful crowd of about 60,000 fans, on August 15, 1965. That was the second and final musical tour of the band in US territory.

Shea Stadium is the home of the baseball "Mets" of New York. This great event was then regarded as the birth of the "Stadium Rock". No one had ever filled an outdoor stadium for a concert. The Shea Stadium concert on August 15th was a record breaking one, and perhaps the most famous concert event of its era. That concert was record both in attendance and fundraising.

Today is a day of many important anniversaries in the history. Nevertheless, I have preferred something fun of show business of the 60s: Beatlemania ... A historic concert!

The Beatles arrived at John F. Kennedy airport of New York, and from there they were escorted and transported in a limousine to the heliport of the East River.

They flew from Manhattan to the World's Fair Building, in Queens neighborhood, where they boarded an armored Wells Fargo truck (conveyor of values) yak / or was given a guard plate, just in case.

The truck left them in the grass of the stadium and rushed the stage. They sang 12 songs, which was customary. They opened the concert with "Twist n 'Shout" that no one could hear neither any of the following other 11 songs.

The crazed crowd did not let listen to the concert. The shouting did not stop one second, so not listening to each other. John Lennon could not stand and began playing the harmonium keyboard with elbows to what seemed ridiculous not to let hear but shouts, screams and hysteria. George Harrison burst of laughter and could not interpret anything ... but who cared? Only they scream, cries, howls girls crying ... while the concert was filmed for the famous Ed Sullivan TV show is heard.

Two thousand police stunned by the noise, had to get The Beatles ended exhausted, and escorted out to armored Wells Fargo truck. Youth paralyzed all the streets around the stadium ... mass hysteria: International history!

All you need is love ...

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