martes, 9 de junio de 2015

June 9: The despotic Emperor Nero, who had to flee from Rome because of its ongoing scandals that led to the rebellion of his army and some governors supported by the Senate, committed suicide shortly before he was arrested in 68 a.D. (1947 years ago).

Bust of Nero at the Capitoline Museum, Rome

When Claudius died in 54, Nero ascended the throne as his immediate successor. Nero became emperor at 16 years old, still very young. According to various ancient sources, he was strongly influenced by his mother during the first stage of his reign, also by his tutor Seneca, and the praetorian prefect Sextus Afranius Burrus. The first years of his reign are known as an example of good management in the affairs of the Empire as they were treated effectively and the Senate enjoyed influence and power in state affairs.

It is believed that Nero set fire to Rome destroying most of the city after 6 days on fire. He ordered to rebuild Rome. Nero did all that after persecuting Christians and burned them alive, using them as lanterns for his parties where people woof worship, making him the first Anti-Christ in the eyes of the Christians.

The emperor became an unscrupulous tyrant, interested only by enjoying the pleasures of life and beauty, under the influence of his fickle mistress Poppea. Piso organized a plot to overthrow Nero but was discovered and punished (65); in retaliation, Nero ordered suicide, among others, to his old friends Seneca and Petronius. Three years later he rebelled against the governors of Gaul (July Vindex) Hispania (Galba) and Lusitania (Otto); the rebellion was echoed in the Senate, which agreed to depose the Emperor Nero in 68. Nero was killed by his secretary when he would be arrested, leading to a year of turmoil in which fought for power Four Emperors (Galba, Vitellius Otto and Vespasian).

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