Five and a half centuries ago, the balance of power in Eurasia was in favor of the Turkish Ottoman Empire that took advantage of the weaknesses of European governments and began to penetrate Europe through Constantinopla (today Istanbul) in 1453.
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Kara Mustafa Pasha
The Turks went from Asia to Europe by the Anatolian peninsula and crossed the Bosphorus and Dardanelles to conquer Constantinople.
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Leopold I of Austria: Holy Roman Emperor.
The Ottomans invaded all territories around of the Black Sea, Bulgaria and Romania; subsequently, they turned to the Balkans and began to climb to Vienna. They threatened the Holy Roman Empire and got to the streets of Vienna.
The Turkish Ottoman Empire became a state of, ethnic, religious, political and economic diversity. There was a long and admirable coexistence of Jews, Christians, Muslims and Persian followers of Zarathustra.
The Austro-Ottoman War was better known in Europe as “The Great Turkish War”, also as the “War of the Holy League”, because they had to form a defensive alliance that included Austria, Poland, Venice and Russia. So they managed to push back the Ottoman-Turks and liberate Transylvania, and almost the entire Hungarian territory which became under control of the Austrian Habsburgs.
Thanks to the Polish King John III Sobieski, Leopold I could continue to rule the Holy Roman Empire. On January 26, 1699 the Treaty of Karlowitz was signed, which ended the conflict and the beginning of the Turkish Ottoman decline.
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Ottoman Empire
The balance of power returned to Christian Europe.
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