viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015

September 18: Today is the anniversary of the Treaty of Belgrade, signed on September 18, 1739, between the Kingdom of Serbia, which belonged to Archduchy of Austria and the Habsburg dynasty, on one side, and the Turkish-Ottoman Empire, which had been expanding from the Middle East and North Africa, on the other side.

Russian campaign 1736.

This treaty ended two years hostilities of the so-called Austro-Turkish War, between 1737 and 1739. The Imperial Russia joined the Austrians to fight the Ottoman Turkish expansion in Europe, as shown in the maps below. In addition, the Russians signed the Treaty of Niš, which allowed the Russians access to the Black Sea, where they began to build the port of Azov.

The Habsburg dynasty had to give Serb territories, with its capital Belgrade, southern Banat of Temeswar and northern Bosnia, the Ottoman Turks.

Political situation in 1739, after Treaty of Belgrade.

Therefore, the Treaty of Belgrade ended with the Kingdom of Serbia, which had existed since 1718.

Austrian victories at Petrovaradin (Peterwardein) (August 1716), Temesvár (October 1716), and Belgrade (August 1717) led to the greatest expansion of Austrian power in Southeast Europe.  Austrian power reached to the Banat of Temesvár (the last important Ottoman stronghold in Hungary), Belgrade and parts of northern Serbia, northern Bosnia, and Lesser Wallachia (Oltenia).  However, Austria would lose northern Bosnia, Habsburg Serbia (including Belgrade), and the southern parts of the Banat of  Temesvár and Lesser Wallachia in the Peace of Belgrade (1739) that ended the Austro-Turkish War of 1737-1739. Dr William Young, University of North Dakota.

Thus, the Serbs would have to wait another war between the Holy Roman Empire and the Turkish-Ottoman Empire, in 1788, to free culture Turkish and Turkish onerous taxation.

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